Tuesday, 17 February 2015


Doctor's Statement

 For more details or orders www.trevocorporate.com/coach/watema  or call me on +254725816740
Trévo™ is “liquid power in a bottle!”

Excerpt of interview with wellness expert and best-selling author of the book Dream Health, Dr. Brian Wilmovsky

Trévo™ gives your body the full spectrum of the nutrients that it needs for optimum health.   You might wonder just what I mean by “optimum health” when it comes to the way your body functions.  To my way of thinking, it’s a combination of elements that add up to more energy, a healthier body, and a good mental attitude.  When your body achieves this kind of wholeness, it is more able to protect and heal itself naturally.  And when wholeness is the goal, instead of merely addressing pain and disease, your body naturally moves toward health all by itself.

In today’s fast-paced society, fast food and “meals on the run” are a way of life for millions of Americans.  Unfortunately, our health as a nation is showing the devastating effects of this lifestyle.  Even though the United States is the richest country on the face of the earth, it suffers from nutritional deficits and proliferating ailments.  We eat until we are well past full, yet our bodies are starving for the nutrients that are woefully missing from the typical American diet of fat- and preservative-laden fast food meals. We simply are not getting the minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients that our bodies require. Intelligent supplementation has become a necessity for a healthy lifestyle.

That is why I am such a strong proponent of Trévo™.  I have never seen a liquid nutritional formula that is so completely absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract or that works as well as this product does. Most of us know that the American Medical Association recommends that everyone take a multi-vitamin supplement.  Again, the reason for this is that none of us are getting what we need from the foods we eat.  But knowing what kind of supplement is best for one’s age group and individual needs can be extremely confusing.    If you ever go down a store’s vitamin aisle, you will notice that there are vitamins for every age group.  There are children’s vitamins, vitamins for teens, vitamins for women and for men, vitamins for seniors, and even vitamins for just about every health focus you can imagine.

The beauty of Trévo™ is that, because it is so naturally bio-available, practically all of its nutrients are absorbed.  Your body takes everything it needs and puts it all to work. And best of all, because of the way it is designed it will work just as well for a 2-year-old as it will for adults of all ages. I have found that when I start my day with two ounces of Trévo™, it gives me the sustained energy I need.

Even more important is the fact that, with  Trévo™, I don’t worry about “crashing” from an energy standpoint.  I stay alert both mentally and physically throughout my entire day, no matter how long that day is. Remember, your body is designed for you to be alert all day, to be able to meet the challenges of each day and Trévo™ helps your body achieve that fresh balance.

Trévo™ never gives you a high-octane buzz or sugar-saturated rush.  What it does do, however, is allow your body to do what it should do normally.  What it was actually created to do.  So you feel better and function better … naturally.

Another thing I really appreciate about Trévo™ is that it helps you stop sabotaging your weight loss efforts. When you take a nutrient-packed product like Trévo™ that replaces what your body is lacking nutritionally, you will likely find that you no longer have a craving for that candy bar or that super-sized hamburger or those nachos.  And when you refrain from eating fast foods that are nutritionally-empty and full of fat, it makes sense that you do not take in as many extra calories.  As your total caloric intake decreases, so does your weight.  The result is a slimmer, trimmer, more healthy you.

About Dr. Brian Wilmovsky

Dr. Brian Wilmovsky is a Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner who is National Board Accredited and licensed in both California and Washington. He currently has a busy private practice in Olympia, Washington.

Widely recognized as one of the nation’s leading experts in achieving natural whole health, Dr. Brian is the best-selling author of Dream Health – How to Live a Healthy, Balanced Life in an Unbalanced World and is a frequent guest lecturer at the internationally-recognized Life West Chiropractic College. He is also a familiar guest wellness expert on a variety of national as well as international television programs including the Trinity Broadcast Network and DayStar.

Dr. Brian received his degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic from the prestigious Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1990, where he was honored as member of the Dean’s List. Prior to attending Palmer College of Chiropractic, Dr. Brian also attended Centralia College where he received an Associates of Science degree in 1987.

Dr. Brian is a member of several well-respected professional associations including the Washington State Chiropractic Association and the Chiropractic Coach Power Zone. Additionally, he is the founder of the philanthropic organization Chiro-Feed Christian Charity. By age 14, Dr. Brian knew that God has a special plan for his life.  The Lord filled his heart with a love and joy that has carried him through and permeates his life today. It is his compassion and love for people that drives him to fulfill his mission of inspiring people to apply the scripture that hangs in his office: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. You must honor God with your body. I Corinthians 6:19″.

Dr. Brian has applied this time-honored principle to his life with great success. A Washington native, Dr. Brian enjoys spending time at home with his wife and their two children. Neither of their children has ever had a single prescription or inoculation in their lifetime. As for Dr. Brian and his house, they are “living the dream” that is DREAM Health in accordance with God’s design.

Sunday, 15 February 2015


“Nutrition is the essential key to living a long, healthy, joyful life. So start each day with the delicious super-nutrition of Trévo TM.” -Mark A. Stevens CEO
www.trevocorporate.com/coach/watema  you order will be shipped to your doorstep

Sunday, 8 February 2015


Blood Sugar Health


“I was tired of taking medications to address my high blood glucose problems. I was curious about all the great things I had been hearing about Trévo, so I decided to try it for myself. Today, my blood sugar levels have returned to normal and my overall health is much better. The stiffness in my joints is even gone! Thanks, Trévo.”
~ Marta, Guatemala

“I am diabetic and have been on medication to help my blood sugar levels. For the past month, I have been enjoying the delicious taste of Trévo. Today, my blood sugar levels have fallen into a very healthy range and I am now medication-free! I love the 100% natural nutrition of Trévo!”
~ Abraham Q., Mexico

“I’ve been a Type II diabetic for over 6 years. I started taking Trévo 3 weeks ago, and my blood sugar is nearly normal … from 120 units of insulin a day! And I have lost 10 lbs. on this remarkable product! Wow!
~ Ron S.

“I started taking Trévo at the beginning of May 2010. I’m a diabetic. Trévo has increased my energy level and my alertness! I work very long hours on the go. I highly recommend Trévo.”
~ Craig S.

“I have been taking Trévo for a little over 3 weeks. In the past, I would have to eat something at times whether I was hungry or not because of sugar levels plummeting. My normal routine in the afternoon when I came home from work was to eat something to try and bring my sugar level up. Since I started taking Trévo, my sugar levels have stabilized and I no longer have to eat something to bring my sugar level up.”
~ B. C. Jr.

“I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!”
~ Kelly L.


Dare to Compare!


We believe so strongly in the powerful super-nutrition of Trévo, we have dared to compare our product against some of the market’s leading brands.

What we found is that the number of powerful, life-giving nutrients contained in Trévo far exceeds the seven most popular wellness products. With its 174 natural ingredients, Trévo is quite simply without equal when it comes to full-spectrum nutrition and health benefits.

And with its astonishing ORAC and CAP-e antioxidant testing results, Trévo has, once again, confirmed that its nutrient-dense formula is in an entirely separate category far and above juice drinks or other types of nutritional products.  In fact, CAP-e testing shows that the antioxidant nutrients in Trévo are so powerful that just ½ ounce provides measurable cellular protection!

But what about cost? Get ready to be surprised, because in addition to Trévo being the most nutrient-dense product on the market, the cost of enjoying Trévo on a daily basis is practically impossible to beat. There’s literally no another product like it anywhere or at any price.  In fact, you could easily spend over $500 a month trying to get the same quality and quantity of ingredients that you get in one bottle of Trévo.

Trévo is the one product for superior nutrition, optimal good health, and fabulous value.  www.trevocorporate.com/coach/watema  is where you begin your journey or call me +254725816740.ITS ONLY  90USD PER BOTTLE  CALL NOW AND MAKE YOUR ORDER

Friday, 6 February 2015


Our last underwater adventure took us to the gloriously blue waters surrounding the islands of Okinawa, Japan. There, the pristine Pacific is home to a very unique form of coral; Sango coral, to be exact. As far back as the 1700’s, this particular type of coral was found in European medical reference books as “coral to purify the blood.” (“Palestra Farmaceutica Quimico-Alencia” anno 1792 by Felix Palacios)

The startling benefits of the naturally-occurring coral calcium complex derived from Sango coral took the modern-day center stage in 1979, when a British journalist from the Guinness Book of Records went on assignment to the islands of Okinawa and Tokunoshima off the coast of Japan to interview the world’s oldest documented living person.

What this journalist found was not only a man 115 years old with remarkably good health and vitality who had worked until the age of 105, but also that most of the islands’ inhabitants seemed to enjoy similar good health and longevity. Soon, a team of researchers arrived and made an important discovery. They found that these islanders had one thing in common. The water they drank was different from water found anywhere else in the world, apparently due to its high coral calcium content.

Upon analysis of coral calcium complex, it was discovered that this nutritional wonder contains over 70 trace minerals essential to life, as well as a wealth of antioxidants and a form of calcium that is exceptionally bio-absorbable. It even appears to be beneficial in maintaining the body’s ideal pH balance, which is vital for long-lasting good health.

But we wanted Trévo to be much more than just an exotic fruit or herbal drink. We wanted it to become the embodiment of the phrase “super-nutrition.”

So we included all the vitamins and minerals that medical research has found to be essential for vibrant good health, increased energy, enhanced mental focus, and a sustained sense of well-being. However, we did not stop there. Scientists and physicians alike understand the importance of essential fatty acids, amino acids and supergreen foods, as well as a good variety of fruits and vegetables in order to restore and maintain good health. So our chemists and world class formulators set out to raise the nutritional bar even higher.

For example, Trévo contains a full complement of vegetarian-based amino acids because without amino acids all of the metabolic processes necessary to spark and sustain human life would simply not be possible. Amino acids form the proteins that in turn form muscle tissue and increase fat metabolism.

Look in the cupboard of just about any serious athlete, and you will likely find some kind of amino acid supplement product designed to help them increase strength, build muscle tissue, or otherwise enhance their athletic performance. However, amino acids are not just important to those who wish to “bulk up.” Without amino acids, all cellular development, respiration, or renewal would come to a devastating stop.

Similarly, essential fatty acids are … well, essential. Essential fatty acids, sometimes simply referred to as EFAs, are necessary fats that the human body cannot synthesize and must be obtained through diet. EFAs support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune and nervous systems. The human body needs EFAs to manufacture and repair cell membranes, enabling the cells to obtain optimum nutrition and expel harmful waste products. Trévo provides a wealth of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids by including two botanicals that are naturally rich in EFAs – borage seed oil and flaxseed oil. No unpleasant “fishy” taste, just wonderfully fresh, completely vegetarian-source essential fatty acids.

Supergreen foods such as wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa, spirulina, chlorella and kelp are some of the other nutritional treasures included in Trévo’s remarkable formulation. For example, researchers agree that wheatgrass, which is the delicate, immature wheat plant before it produces seeds, is loaded with protein, containing more of this nutrient than meat, eggs, fish, or dairy products. Similarly, barley grass is rich in amino acids, enzymes, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, mangangese, zinc, beta carotene, B vitamins, vitamins C and E, and selenium. Rich in B-complex vitamins, chlorella contains more pantothenic acid (an anti-stress nutrient) than any other natural source. It also boasts magnesium and other trace minerals, and is an all-purpose cleanser than can rid the body of many environmental toxins. Spirulina, like wheatgrass, is a particularly rich source of protein. It is also one of the few plant sources of vitamin B-12 and is a good source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and free radical-fighting antioxidants.

At the conclusion of Trévo’s global search for the secret of wellness, we had compiled 174 of the finest and most astonishing ingredients that nature has to offer, gathered from the far reaches of the globe.
The result is a carefully balance nutritional product that is so unique, so revolutionary, that there is literally no other product like it on the market anywhere. With Trévo, you and your family can enjoy the benefits of truly complete nutrition. The beauty of our globe-spanning formulation is that it actually replaces what the body is missing from today’s nutrient-depleted diets. And, because of the way our scientists have designed its formulation, Trévo will work just as well for a 2-year-old as it will for adults of all ages. It really is the best of all nutritional worlds! It is, in fact, the answer to your family’s need for complete, natural nutrition.