Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Trevo and general women health

Women’s Health

“Hot flashes, anxiety, nerves on edge, emotions running wild, chronic fatigue and so much more, are issues I experienced because my hormones were out of balance. Not only was I miserable, but my family didn’t know if I was going to cry, yell, or burst out in a sweat from a hot flash!! Shortly after I began taking 3 ounces of Trévo, I began to notice that my energy level was increasing. I didn’t really realize how much better I was feeling, both from a physical and an emotional standpoint, until a family member commented on it. And you know what? It’s true! I feel like I have made a 180 degree turnaround!”
~ Randa W.

“At first, I was a bit hesitant to try Trévo because I’m expecting twins and was unsure of the reaction I would have with the babies. As of today, though, I’ve enjoyed Trévo for 4 days and I feel great! My energy level is amazing! My sister, who has a serious heart condition, has been taking Trévo for 3 days now, and she has noticed a significant improvement in the way she feels. She has more energy, is not nearly as short of breath, and her pain level has even decreased. I’m not sure what is going on … all I know is that Trévo works!”
~ Marsha A.

“I had breast cancer surgery in April 2011, followed by two additional surgeries a week later. The morning after my last surgery, I drank two ounces of Trévo and went shopping with my daughter! Through the other two surgeries, as long as I drank my Trévo every day, I did fine.  My stamina is increasing, but without enjoying Trévo daily I either can’t sleep or want to sleep all the time.  I have found that if I take at least two ounces of Trévo first thing in the morning, I make it through the whole day. I just can’t go without my Trévo. Thank you for such a wonderful product!”
~ Cathy H.

“My wife recently gave birth to our first child, a gloriously perfect little boy.  I’m a Doctor of Chiropractic, and my wife Elissa and I are both huge believers in natural nutrition and Trévo.  So it just made sense for Elissa to incorporate Trévo’s complete health system into her daily diet rather than hard-to-absorb prenatal multi-vitamin tablets.  Her pregnancy went beautifully and she found that Trévo not only gave her energy level a much-needed boost, it also helped support her immune system.  She felt wonderful throughout the entire pregnancy.

We planned for a natural home delivery, but little Oliver Phinnaeus decided that he was in a hurry to make his entry into the world before the midwife arrived.  Long story short, I ended up delivering our son.

A few hours after the baby was born, Elissa wanted to take a shower.  Suddenly, the midwife and I heard a horrible thud.  We ran into the bathroom to discover that Elissa had passed out getting into the shower.  I gave her a quick scan and got her to answer some questions, but she was just really groggy.  Turns out her blood sugar had bottomed out from the stress of the delivery.  As I was caring for her, I noticed the serving of Trévo that I had poured for her earlier still sitting on the bathroom counter.  I immediately gave Elissa two ounces of Trévo and, much to our surprise, she perked right up within minutes.

Granted, she was pretty sore from both the delivery and passing out in the shower, but her body absorbed those vital nutrients almost immediately and her energy was up for the rest of the afternoon.

I am so thankful that we chose to include Trévo throughout her pregnancy, and we will continue to do so for the rest of our lives.  Even little Oliver is enjoying the benefits of Trévo through his mother’s breast milk.  He’s one peaceful, happy baby!”
~ Dr. Jason D.

“I recently gave birth to my first child, an absolutely beautiful son.  My husband and I decided that we wanted to go the natural nutrition route rather than the typical prenatal prescriptions, so I started taking Trévo.  I’ve had a lot of stomach problems in the past, including ulcers and gall bladder problems, so I was pretty concerned about the whole morning sickness thing.  I’m very happy to report that I felt great all during my pregnancy and never had a bit of problem with queasiness at all.  Plus, since I work in a doctor’s office, my workdays are really hectic.  Taking two ounces of Trévo every day kept me feeling great and my energy level going strong.  In fact, I worked full-time until just one week before giving birth.

Now, two months later, I’m still enjoying Trévo and feel great.  I’m back at work and Trévo continues to give me amazing energy and mental focus.  A real plus for me is the wonderful emotional sense of wellbeing that I feel this product provides.

And my son is enjoying the benefits of Trévo too as I nurse him.  He’s already sleeping all through the night and his pediatrician says he’s the picture of great health.”
~ Rebecca

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